Edward Wilson (Dec 30, 2021)
Edward Wilson 去世,享年 92 歲。他是美國著名的生物學家。早年,他以研究螞蟻聞名於世,並且在動物社群學(sociobiology)的領域引發了廣泛討論。除了學術貢獻,Wilson 還是一位積極的生態保育倡導者。他創立了 Edward Wilson Foundation,致力於保護生物多樣性 (biodiversity)。然而,少有人知道的是,他曾撰寫一本名為《創造》(The Creation)的書,內容旨在呼籲福音派牧者與科學家攜手合作,共同保護地球的環境。儘管 Wilson 並非宗教信徒,他卻堅信科學與宗教的協作是保護地球的關鍵。然而,這本書出版後,我幾乎沒看到福音派社群有任何具體回應。今日,北美福音派對於保護地球環境的冷漠態度,更令人感到遺憾與羞愧。Wilson 的努力不僅展現了科學家的遠見,也提醒我們:唯有跨越界限,攜手合作,才能真正為我們的地球創造一個可持續的未來。
E. O. Wilson, The Creation: An Appeal to Save Life on Earth:
"you have the power to help solve a great problem about which I care deeply. I hope you have the same concern. I suggest that we set aside our differences in order to save the Creation. The defense of living Nature is a universal value." p. 4
"Pastor, we need your help. The Creation - living Nature - is in deep trouble. Scientists estimate that if habitat conversion and other destructive human activities continue at their present rates, half the species of plants and animals on Earth could be either gone or at least fated for early extinction by the end of the century." pp. 4-5
"If religion and science could be united on the common ground of biological conservation, the problem would soon be solved." p. 5
"I am puzzled that so many religious leaders, who spiritually represent a large majority of people around the world, have hesitated to make protection of the Creation an important part of their magisterium. Do they believe that human-centered ethics and preparation for the afterlife are the only things that matter?" pp. 5-6
"I am heartened by the movement growing within Christian denominations to support global conservation." p. 8
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